As you know, our free app users save over 56 hours per year - but our paid users save twice as much time! On Kiwi’s paid-for plans, users can save even more time working in several Google accounts at once. If you're in more than one Google account at a time, Kiwi could help you shave seconds off things you do several times a day on either the Premium or Business Plan. You can try it for free for 2 weeks before you commit to any paid subscription plan. Our paid subscribers are saving more than three business weeks' worth of time typically spent working in Google while in the browser!
Free Kiwi Features
Clean Compose Windows
Inbox Notifications
Open Google App Files
New Document Menu
Open Recently Closed
Open App Menu
Preview URL
Key Features of the Premium Plan:
6 Accounts & 10 Colors
Focused Filtered Inbox
Calendar Notifications
Do Not Disturb
Global Shortcuts
Important Only Notifications
Supported Plugins: Boomerang, Right Inbox, Grammarly, and Zoom
Extra Business Plan Features:
9 accounts & 14 Colors
Google Cloud Search
All Plugins: Boomerang, Right Inbox, Grammarly, Zoom, Blue Jeans, Gmail Reverse Conversation, Virtru
One thing this plan has that no other will - All future features at no additional cost!
Our Premium Plan is perfect for those of you who have a few Google accounts to manage - and you’ll find that it helps you work more efficiently with your time and workset than just the free version of Kiwi alone. But the Business plan will help your team become power users of Gmail and Google Workspace.
Stay Signed in to multiple Google Accounts
When you log into Kiwi, you stay logged in to all your accounts. In the browser, you can only be signed in and view content from one Google account at a time. With Kiwi’s Premium Plan, you can be working in 6 Google accounts simultaneously! No more being logged out and having to re-login or manage multiple browsers to just be in multiple accounts at once.
Simply Color Coded.
Kiwi keeps your accounts easy to identify with beautiful colors, you chose. No more wrestling with multiple browsers to check on email, calendar, Docs, Sheets, and Slides. You no longer need to keep track of which account you’re in with which browser either. Kiwi allows you to look at documents from different accounts in color coded windows so you know what account you're in at all times.
Filter your Inbox.
Not every user is aware that they can use Google’s advanced search when they need to find something specific from their Gmail inbox. With Kiwi, everything is simpler to search and find. Our Focus Filter feature allows you to filter on things like Date, Unread, Starred, Important, and if it has an Attachment so you can fly through your inbox.
Get to Google Cloud Search.
Did you know Google has a global search tool called Cloud Search, which searches through all your Gmail inbox, Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Docs, Sheets, and Slides? If you are using the browser, you need to go to the website and login to use that power tool. In Kiwi, just click on the Google Cloud Search button on the sidebar menu. So simple! It slides out a panel and populates the results for you so you can find anything you need from your Gmail and Workspace account. It’s so awesome!
Switch between Accounts.
When Kiwi is your go-to email client for all your Gmail accounts, you can access all your accounts with a single click. Whether it is to access the email account, Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Docs, Sheets, or Slides. Kiwi comes with Quick Launch icons in the sidebar, account tabs in your inbox, and Keyboard Shortcuts that allow you to open, close, or switch between accounts.

With all these key features of Kiwi’s Business Plan, you easily save 85% of clicks each day compared to using Gmail & Workspace in the browser alone. Saved time increases your efficiency and effectiveness at getting things done! With the Business version, our users save an average of 72 clicks for all the typical steps used in Gmail and Workspace throughout even just a single task. That’s about 3.65 minutes of savings per task! Assuming you get ten things done every working day, that’s a combined savings of 158+ hours per year! You can assign any email to a seat on your Kiwi account and help others save time in Google too! Try out our Business Plan today with our free trial and save time now!